Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I stumbled upon this article while looking for the background on parks. Its titled "Rethinking the Galapagos Islands as a Complex Social-Ecological System: Implications for Conservation and Management" I thought it could maybe be relevant.

'Sea party' protest in Florida against regulation

March has been a month of fishing protests in the U.S.

Chafing against stricter government regulation of Snapper, Florida fisherman held a 'sea party protest' against tighter fishing limits. Days later in Washington D.C., hundreds gathered outside the Capitol to rally against increased government management of saltwater fisheries.

Here's a good reminder that we are all connected and facing similar issues trying to balance environmental needs with needs of those who depend on resources.

It's an issue relevant to us, happening now.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shark Fins and Raids

Looks like their patrols are finding success, but at what cost to the community?

How the Sea Shepherd came to Galapagos

Apparently, the Sea Shepherd crew first came to the islands back in 2006, so they have been there for four years! I wonder what stories they might have to share about illegal fishing activities? Or how their presence has impacted marine conservation efforts?

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Hi all

I was a little bored, so I decided to look up some things about travel in Ecuador found this great article about food. Thought it would be great to share. Also there is a new Anthony Bordain No Reservations special on Ecuador, check it out if you can. What the article doesnt talk about which i found saddening was a lack of info about Ecuador's stews. Personally I love stews, and I think they are found in almost any culture. The biggest reason this is, is because they are very affordable, using whatever is available. Hopefully we will be able to try some while we are down there.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Galapagos Sea Shepherd to be funded by Dutch Government

About four weeks ago the Sea Shepherd received an additional 1.5 million Euros from the Dutch National Post Code Lottery specifically for the boat that patrols the Galapagos Marine Reserve.

According to the article, the money was donated in recognition that illegal poaching in the reserve continues despite set limits.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Saving Splashy Pants, a 3 minute breakdown of social media movements

This TED talk is awesome and is excellent food for thought. A reminder that movements are created in many ways.

We should keep this in mind when we're thinking about how to best convey our message!